Greeting from CEO

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Greetings from the Top Executive
English | Bahasa | 日本


On this occasion, let me introduce myself. I am Hoshiko, I was appointed as President Director of Ohgishi Indonesia to replace President Director Toriumi. Ohgishi Indonesia, originally known as Bekasi Factory, was established in October 2011 and began operations in April 2012. I have many memories of this Bekasi Plant, even having been assigned to this plant, which at the time was the plant of Hitachi Construction Machinery Indonesia, the predecessor of the Bekasi Plant before its launch. Therefore, I feel a very good connection. Even though it was more than 30 years ago, until today I still have fond memories stored in my memory of building the first locally produced machine while struggling with the local staff.
Despite the difficult environment surrounding the construction machinery industry, I would like to continue the “manufacturing spirit” inherited from the predecessor president director. We are committed to surviving and thriving in this era of change as a company rooted in local wisdom, multicultural, and flexible with everyone at PT Ohgishi Indonesia always being positive, enthusiastic, and energetic.

Company Philosophy
– To be a company that is always trusted by customers
– Let’s keep trying and not be afraid to fail
– Let’s build a company with a strong structure and be able to survive in any environment.

All Factory Movement(2023~2026)
1. Become a company that customers always trust(CONFIDENCE) Customer problems will remain the same over time. In order to continue to be reliable, it is essential to have an attitude of close involvement with the problems customers face. Let’s be a company that customers can continue to rely on by providing solutions to their problems.

2. Let’s keep trying and not be afraid of failure (CHANCE, CHALLENGE, CHANGE)
With the changes in the current situation and the emergence of many new things, I feel very worried because we live in a time where it is very difficult to keep the situation stable with the same thing as last year. Let’s challenge ourselves to improve our work with each other while ensuring the spirit of “get on with it, don’t look for perfection, 50 points is good”.

3. Let’s create a good workplace to communicate well and maintain a good relationship.
Companies have the same health conditions as humans. If an unhealthy condition is left unchecked, it will inevitably lead to problems in management. It is important to initiate communication and improve organizational health in the workplace. Let’s encourage the creation of a workplace that is open to all who are able to discuss, communicate, and submit reports properly at any time.







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